Kasseburg Canine Training holds the highest standards for our detector dogs. We selection test each and every dog to ensure they have the traits and drives necessary to be a stellar detection dog. We train detector dogs for narcotics, explosives, search and rescue, accelerants or any other discipline that fits your needs. Our detectors are trained in passive indications and we teach the dogs to have ultimate focus and to pinpoint the source of the odor. These dogs are incredible to watch and even more fun to handle.
Narcotics Detection Dog Courses are typically 5 weeks long
Accelerant Detection Dog Courses are typically 5 weeks long
Explosives Detection Dog Courses are typically 8 weeks long
Instructor Courses are typically 9 weeks long.
- The video below shows one of our Kasseburg Canine dogs working a 1 gram Cocaine hide in slow motion.
- The video below shows one of our Kasseburg Canine dogs working an open marijuana hide in slow motion.
- The video below shows one of our dogs working low hides